Saturday, November 25, 2006

Google J2ME programs

Google Earth
Google Mobile - Beta - perhaps uses SMS to deliver your search results

J2ME tools

Apache Ant
Antenna - Ant's extension to support J2ME
WTK - Witeless toolkit by Sun

Java Open Source

Sun announced in Nov 2006, that many parts of Java would be made as open source - GPL. This way, Sun's implementation of Java can be part of many Linux (and perhaps other commercial, non-commercial distributions of operating systems and application packaging). Currently, Linux live CD distributors prefer other Java implementation over Sun's implementation due to licensing concerns. Now that Sun's Java implementation is Open Source, the implementation is likely to be cleaned up by open source community and also would be used by more due to wider distribution channels. Not too sure what's the business motive for Sun - though Sun can pick up more mind share and also be good citizenship.